Tanglewood Homeowners’ Association
Meeting November 19, 2020 Location: THOA Pool House @7:00 – 8:00
In attendance: President-Janet Hillard, IT/Communications-Tim Meyung, Pool & Groundskeeper-Jim “Murph” Murphy, Jackie and Steve Hagerty
Hot Topics:
- There was a recent incident involving a dog biting. A dog got loose and attacked another dog while being walked by its owner resulting in an injury to the dog. If you see or encounter an aggressive dog that is loose or unattended in the neighborhood or if you are attacked by a dog – please contact the person listed below:
Ashley Risner - Deputy Dog Warden
Cell: 513-526-3304
Office: 513-732-8854
- Reviewed monthly expenses during the meeting.
Old Business:
- HOA website address is https://www.tanglewoodha.com/. Please let us know if you have any questions logging in.
- HOA Gmail address (hoatanglewoodboard@gmail.com) is up and running and being checked daily by Tim and Brian. Please send questions to this address, response time is less than a day.
New Business:
- Discussed providing standardized forms to use when requesting changes, updates, additions for homes, fences, etc. These will be accessible and posted on the HOA website for easy access. More information to come when forms are finalized.
Tennis Courts:
- To be discussed at a future meeting (tentatively in March). Suzy has been looking into the costs of upkeeping/re-finishing the tennis court. She has received an additional quote on repairs. We’ll discuss this in further detail at the next meeting.
To be Addressed at next meeting:
- Budget
- Tennis Court repair
- Open position for VP for HOA
Next scheduled meeting: March 18th, 2021 @7:00 pm at the pool (no meetings scheduled for Dec 2020 – Feb 2021)