Tanglewood Homeowners Association – Meeting Minutes 8/15/24
Website: https://www.tanglewoodha.com/
Email: hoatanglewoodboard@gmail.com
In Attendance:
Jeff “Murph” Murphy
Mike Rozzo
Timothy Meyung
Kelly Schatzel
Andrew Laporte
Meeting Details:
Start Time: 8:03 PM
End Time: 9:01 PM
Pool Closure Date:
September 8th
Awning Quotes:
The board approved Queen City Awning, the same vendor from 96/97. Samples to be procured and selected.
Labor Day Pool Party:
Sunday, September 1st, begins at 3:00 PM. Murph to provide Bratwurst. Please RSVP on Facebook. If you are not a member of the THOA Facebook group, you can join now. We need a head count for food.
Based on last name:
A through L: Please bring a side dish.
M through Z: Please bring a dessert.
Pool Security:
The board is seriously considering enhancing pool security measures to ensure that only residents have access to the pool per the pool rules. Conversations and bids for work to be done will be acquired over the winter to implement them for the next pool season.
Tree Trimming:
The board unanimously approved up to $2,000 for trimming the trees that overhang the tennis court and create debris and color deformities on the tennis court.
Next Scheduled Meeting:
April 18th @ 8 PM